Who killed Laura Ackerson and where are they now?

June 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Laura Ackerson's 2011 murder at the hands of her former partner Grant Hayes and his wife Amanda Hayes was one of the most gruesome crimes the state of North Carolina has ever seen. Laura was murdered in the couple's Raleigh apartment and her body was later dismembered, stored in coolers, and eventually disposed of in a creek.

Grant was found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison. He remains behind bars at the Caledonia Correctional Institution in Halifax County, North Carolina.

Meanwhile, Amanda was convicted of a lesser charge of second-degree murder and sentenced to 13 to 16 years and an additional 20 for tampering with evidence. She remains incarcerated at the Anson Correctional Institution.

See No Evil on ID revisited Laura Ackerson's murder case in its latest episode, titled Final Offer. Here is the episode preview:

"The police lack leads after single mom Laura Ackerson leaves for work one morning and never returns, so they turn to surveillance cameras to try to locate her and unearth sinister footage."

Laura Ackerson was killed and butchered in her ex's apartment

Laura Ackerson was last heard from on July 13, 2011, and reportedly went missing that day after informing a colleague that she was heading over to her ex's place to pick up her sons. The same colleague reported her missing a few days later.

Ackerson's decomposing remains were discovered on July 24, 2011, in a creek not far from Richmond, Texas. She was butchered into pieces and dumped in the waters. An autopsy established that the cause of death was "undetermined homicide violence." The results were in line with a neck injury involving blunt force or suffocation.

When authorities started digging into Laura's background, they discovered that she and Grant, who was married to a different woman at the time, had a tumultuous relationship. The two were embroiled in a custody battle over their children. It was also discovered that Laura Ackerson was murdered by Amanda and Grant when she went to their Raleigh apartment to pick up the kids.

It was asserted that after killing her, the couple then dismembered her body parts, stored the parts in coolers, and attempted to disintegrate Laura's remains with muriatic acid before disposing of them in a nearby creek. Multiple news outlets also reported that Amanda Hayes had tried to feed Ackerson's remains to alligators in order to get rid of the evidence.

The two were arrested immediately after Ackerson's body parts were discovered.

Former partner Grant Hayes and his wife Amanda were found guilty in Laura Ackerson's murder case

Grant Hayes was tried in 2013 when a former prisoner, who was housed in the same facility, testified that he confessed that he and his wife had strangled Laura Ackerson.

Prosecutors also revealed video camera evidence showing Grant purchasing a saw and acid at different stores along with other incriminating items over the days after Laura's disappearance. They asserted that these substances were used to dissect Laura's body parts and disintegrate her remains.

Hayes was found guilty of first-degree murder and condemned to life in prison with no prospect of parole. Sources state that he remains imprisoned at the Caledonia Correctional Institution in Halifax County, North Carolina. Amanda reportedly filed for divorce from him in 2014.

Meanwhile, his wife Amanda Hayes, who was tried separately, was found guilty of a lesser charge of second-degree murder in 2014 and sentenced to 13 to 16 years. Laura Ackerson's sister Karen reportedly testified, claiming that Amanda confessed to killing her during a heated argument. The defense maintained that she had no role and was coerced into helping her husband.

In 2018, she was retried on charges of tampering with evidence and was given an additional 20 years. She is currently imprisoned at the Anson Correctional Institution for women in Polkton, North Carolina.

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