Where is Matt Podolak's ex-fianc Holly McFeeture now?

June 2024 ยท 5 minute read

In 2006, Holly McFeeture slowly poisoned her fiance Matt Podolak over the course of a few months. It was alleged that she poisoned his iced tea with ethylene glycol, a lethal substance found in antifreeze. Podolak's autopsy reports revealed that he died as a result of ethylene glycol poisoning, which caused his health to deteriorate and eventually led to his death.

Despite Podolak's cause of death being stated, the manner of death remained a mystery to all until authorities received an unexpected tip from a man McFeeture dated after Podolak's death. Following that, in 2010, the manner of death was changed to "homicide," and McFeeture was arrested two years later.

In her contentious 2013 trial, a jury found McFeeture guilty and sentenced her to life in prison.

Sources state that Holly McFeeture is currently serving time at the Ohio Reformatory for Women.

Dateline: Secrets Uncovered will revisit the tragic murder of Matt Podolak and the ultimate conviction of his then-fiance in an upcoming episode titled Manner of Death, scheduled to air on Wednesday, November 23, at 8 pm ET on Oxygen.

What happened to Holly McFeeture then-fiance Matt Podolak in 2006?

Holly McFeeture resided in Cleveland, Ohio, with her fiance Matt Podolak, their two children, and another kid from her previous relationship. She worked as a minor baseball coach in addition to serving drinks at Cleveland's Dirty Dog Tavern. However, everyone failed to understand that she was slowly poisoning the same fiance she shared two kids and her home with.

Podolak, who was poisoned by ethylene glycol over the course of three months, died on July 31, 2006, under mysterious circumstances. His cause of death was determined to be ethylene glycol poisoning, which is commonly found in antifreeze, after an autopsy, but the manner of death remained "undetermined." It was also revealed that he suffered from chronic poison intoxication.

Nearly four years after the murder, in 2010, investigators were informed that Matt's ex-fiance had confessed to spiking his iced tea with antifreeze since Spring of that year and that it made him sick and ultimately killed him. She reportedly admitted to it in front of a man she was dating after Podolak's death. The investigation was later reopened and was officially determined to be a "homicide."

According to multiple witnesses, she showed no remorse or distress, which was unusual behavior. She also began dating about a month and a half after her fiance's death, telling one of her dates that Matt Podolak died of kidney failure, but as soon as the autopsy results were released, she claimed that he was poisoned or committed suicide.

Where is Holly McFeeture now?

Holly McFeeture was finally arrested in July 2012 and was charged with aggravated murder and contamination of a substance for human consumption. It was alleged that she spiked her fiance's iced tea with antifreeze frequently. She pleaded not guilty and was moved to trial.

In August 2013, over seven years after Matt Podolak's murder from antifreeze poisoning, his former fiance and alleged killer Holly McFeeture was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 30 years. To date, she has been serving time at the Ohio Reformatory for Women.

Tune in to Dateline: Secrets Uncovered on Wednesday, November 23.

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