What happened to Matty Gz? Staten Island rapper of 'Everybody K' fame dies aged 19

June 2024 · 5 minute read

Rapper Matty Gz, also known as Matthew Cloth, died on November 3, 2022, aged 19. He was a rising star in the rapping industry and gained recognition for his videos on YouTube.

The news was revealed by his friend Klo Vizionz on social media. Klo has previously collaborated with Matty on RRGK. He wrote on his Instagram Story,

“R.I.P. Matty Gz.”

Matty Gz's cause of death is still a mystery

Matty Gz’s cause of death has not yet been revealed, as the circumstances surrounding his death are unclear.

Additionally, despite his fame, he didn't have a Wikipedia page because of which, it is unknown whether he was suffering from any health issues. It is also unclear whether the rapper too was a victim of a shooting incident, like quite a few other rappers in recent times.

At the same time, there have been alleged and unconfirmed reports of his death due to a drug overdose. However, there has been no official confirmation about the same.

The rapper would often interact with followers through Instagram Live sessions

The 19-year-old rapper was from New York and had been producing music for the last few years. His song Everybody K received more than 130,000 views on YouTube and was featured on another single, Smoke Em, which received around 120,000 views.

Matty Gz would interact with his fans and followers through Instagram Live. He did not have an official YouTube channel, but he shared his music via another channel, Raps and Hustles. The channel has around 260,000 followers and mostly features artists who are aiming to become famous in the music industry.

Matty Gz was a rising star in the rapping industry (Image via UrbanPapers_/Twitter)

Matty was also active on Facebook, where he shared snippets of his upcoming projects. He was last active on social media on July 5, 2022.

Matty Gz was arrested in September 2022 and even tagged the police precint where he was held

Staten Island Advance reported in September this year that Matthew tagged a police precinct after he was arrested on charges of gunpoint robbery. Matty was taken into custody on August 9, 2022.

His victim was purchasing a dirt bike in Eltingville when he was robbed.

The robbery incident happened on August 1, 2022, when Matty and his accomplice reportedly took a payment of $2000 in cash for a dirt bike. The court documents stated that he took the backpack that had the cash and put it inside his vehicle. He then hopped on the dirt bike and left the spot.

The victim approached the car to get his money and Matthew’s accomplice took out his gun, pointed it at the victim, and left the place. Matty was charged with robbery, petit larceny, menacing, and harassment. He was later released on a $25,001 bail.

As for tagging the precint, the rapper was seen etching his rap name on the interior wall of the 123rd Precint stationhouse holding cell. This was caught on surveillance cameras and the teenage rapper etched the name with a coin. He claimed to have done so because he was bored.

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