QTCinderella explains why she quit her Disneyland job before becoming a streamer

June 2024 · 5 minute read

During an episode of TMS Studios podcast, on September 8, popular Twitch streamer QTCinderella revealed why she quit her job as a princess at Disneyland and became a full-time content creator.

Describing the unnerving experience while working as a Cinderella at the theme park, the American streamer noted:

"It’s actually not the kids. The worst part is the dads.”

Citing creepy conduct from visitors and "toxic" stipulations as reasons, QTCinderella explained that such incidents diminished the magic of Disneyland for her as she started to "hate the place."

QTCinderella talks about working as a princess at Disneyland before turning full-time content creator

(Timestamp 47:00)

Although the job seemed like a dream come true, QTCinderella claimed that she used to deal with inappropriate behavior from some visitors. The streamer listed multiple instances where she felt uncomfortable around certain fans, which culminated in her exit.

Delving into the experience, QTCinderella noted:

"You have a zone and you can't be out there for too long 'cause you get overheated obviously and kids are aggressive and it's actually not the kids, the worst parts are the dads. As a princess, if a dad grabs your a**... are you serious, you’re taking a photo with a whole family."

Furthermore, as a face character, they weren't allowed to say anything as it would break the rules. Instead, if she were in an uncomfortable situation with a particular visitor, she would have to use a "codeword" during a conversation to notify a Disney co-worker. The latter would subsequently pull her out of the situation. QTCinderella explained:

"Nowadays you have to have a cast member to escort you around so every single face character has someone with them all times and usually there's a code words to get out of a situation where like, for example mine was talking about like lucifer which is Cinderella's stepmom's cat. Okay so I just randomly start bringing up lucifer and they pulled me out of the situation but if your a** is being grabbed you can't be like stop because Cinderella would not say stop."

She also talked about the "toxic" rule every face character had to follow. The stipulation made it imperative for them to maintain a certain weight and figure to fit their heavy costumes. She stated:

"So you get evaluated on there's three things. You get evaluated on like your look, you look is a weird way to say but like you know you can't, if you have to look like a character you have to be a certain size. Literally. It's toxic. It's pretty toxic."

As a lifelong Disney fan, QTCinderella admitted that such situations led to her "hating the place" and eventually departing. She stated:

"I stopped working there...I've been a Disney fan all my life and it was taking the magic away, as stupid as it is. So, yeah that's why I stopped working there."

However, she claimed that circumstances have gotten much better in recent years.

Social media reacts to the podcast episode

As expected, the episode has been a huge hit among viewers. At the time of writing, the YouTube video has already raked in a whopping 264k views and thousands of comments. Viewers appreciated the streamer for her perfectly timed sense of humor.

Here's what fans had to say:

Fans react to the podcast episode (Imaeg via TMG Studios/YouTube)
Fans react to the podcast episode (Imaeg via TMG Studios/YouTube)

QTCinderella is currently one of the most recognizable names in the streaming landscape thanks to her widely popular events, such as Sh*tCamp, Sweet Showdown, Girls Trip, and The Streamers Award 2022.

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