Not straight as a metal rod

June 2024 · 1 minute read
•of Bend•imp. & p. p. of Bend.•Changed by pressure so as to be no longer straight; crooked; as, a bent pin; a bent lever.•Strongly inclined toward something, so as to be resolved, determined, set, etc.; -- said of the mind, character, disposition, desires, etc., and used with on; as, to be bent on going to college; he is bent on mischief.•The state of being curved, crooked, or inclined from a straight line; flexure; curvity; as, the bent of a bow.•A declivity or slope, as of a hill.•A leaning or bias; proclivity; tendency of mind; inclination; disposition; purpose; aim.•Particular direction or tendency; flexion; course.•A transverse frame of a framed structure.•Tension; force of acting; energy; impetus.•A reedlike grass; a stalk of stiff, coarse grass.•A grass of the genus Agrostis, esp. Agrostis vulgaris, or redtop. The name is also used of many other grasses, esp. in America.•Any neglected field or broken ground; a common; a moor.
