'My boyfriend is fat and I find it embarrassing. How can I make him lose weight?'

June 2024 · 6 minute read

My boyfriend and I have just come back from holiday. He’s always been chubby but while we were away I realised he’s got really fat. People stared and I heard some of them laughing and commenting. I pretended we weren’t together. I felt so embarrassed to be with him and wished he didn’t look so bad. It’s a turn off for me to see him naked. Even in clothes it’s not attractive. I have spoken to him many times about his size, healthy eating and exercise. I tried to get him to join a gym with me. He laughs it off and says he is fine. This holiday has shown me he must change. How do I make him do that?

No one can be forced into it

I don’t think you can ‘make’ him change.

If I were following a traditional advice column approach, I would now give dire warnings about obesity. Followed up with tips on healthy eating and exercise regimens for two.

And all that automatically assumes he is eating unhealthily all the time. I’ve no idea if that’s the case. He may be eating healthy food, but just too much of it. It also assumes he isn’t fit or active, which again he may be.

Giving you instructions on how to force him to diet or exercise doesn’t help him, or you, look at any underlying reasons (assuming they exist) around overeating, or his feelings about food, exercise or his body.

I have no context about his lifestyle, your income, what your food budget is, how food and exercise fit with his work patterns, or if alcohol plays a role.

I don’t know if his weight is affected by disability, pre-existing physical or mental health conditions, or the side-effects of medication.

You may get further by thinking about these factors yourself, or talking to him about those, rather than your previous instructions about his diet and fitness (more on this shortly).

Again if I were following a traditional advice giving format I’d probably berate you for saying horrible things about him and encourage readers to judge you accordingly. I’d also suggest you are wrong for how you feel and you should stick by him regardless of his health, weight or desirability.

Are your words hiding something else?

None of that will help you, though. And there isn’t any point in having advice columns if people don’t feel free to confide about how they truly feel - and know that someone isn’t going to shut you down for saying things your friends or family members might frown on.

You are entitled to feel upset about this.

But if we go back and look at how you have described him, there is no getting away from the words you’ve used. These include ‘chubby’, ‘really fat’, ‘embarrassed to be with him’, ‘wished he didn’t look so bad’.

You say ‘It’s a turn off…to see him naked’ and ‘not attractive’.

As you read these statements, can you identify if this is you feeling worried about him, frustrated over how he is acting, or a sign you simply don’t fancy him anymore?

Seth Rogen has a 'dadbod' (Universal Pictures)

Can you use those observations to think further about your relationship. What are the good and bad things about it?

What are the things you can change, the things you cannot – and can you live with those?

If he were to lose weight would everything be okay, or are there other problems within the relationship? How could he rely on your love and care while he loses weight (assuming it would not be a quick process).

And if he doesn’t change how would you feel?

Noting all of this can give you a better sense of whether you want to end things or stay together. If you no longer desire him you do not have to stay with him.

It’s not unreasonable to walk away from a relationship that is no longer suiting you. And far better to do this than stay with him as some kind of fitness coach or personal dietician who dislikes how he looks and resents your lack of sex life and unhappy relationship.

Try talking to him about the holiday

If you don’t wish to end things yet you may want to try to talk to him again.

It may be your previous references to ‘joining a gym’ or ‘healthy eating’ are too vague. Have you specifically said to him his weight is worrying you and affecting how you feel about him?

You could draw on the experiences on holiday to say it upset you – especially if he was aware you pretended not to know him when others were being cruel.

Explain you aren’t sure you handled it the right way, and you do want him to consider if his size is healthy for him.

He needs to hear, very frankly, you are distressed, anxious about him, and you will be leaving the relationship if he does not change.

As hurtful as that may be for him to hear he can make better decisions about his health and whether he wants to remain in the relationship if he is fully informed.

Fat-shaming is in every part of our culture (Getty)

Fat shaming is an unhelpful part of our culture and may often trap people who are already self-conscious into feeling vulnerable and powerless.

Stigma around diverse body shapes also makes people feel unwelcome in places they have every right to be. The subtle and not so subtle comments from media, friends, family and healthcare confirming being overweight is unattractive and something to pity, blame or tease people over.

Can you accept him?

It could be your boyfriend is fully aware of this and as such feels unable to take action. If he feels you are part of an everyday experience of humiliation he may well be resistant to changing or even to discuss this with you.

He may decide to talk to his doctor or a dietician. He might opt to lose weight via diet that he does himself or through a group or club. He could find out more about healthy eating or exercise. He might join a gym, sports centre, or see a fitness trainer.

If he is as overweight as you describe it would be sensible for him to see a doctor before starting any diet or exercise programme. You can support him in doing this, but you cannot force him to do anything he is not ready for.

And again, he may not care. He may be happy with his size despite what others say and do.

And if that is the case then you have the choice to accept him - or to find someone else who suits your preferences better.

Petra Boynton is a social psychologist and sex researcher working in International Health Care and studying sex and relationships. She is The Telegraph’s agony aunt. Follow her on Twitter @drpetra.

Email your sex and relationships queries in confidence to:agony.aunt@telegraph.co.uk

Petra cannot print answers to every single question submitted, but she does read all your emails. Please note that by submitting your question to Petra, you are giving your permission for her to use your question as the basis of her column, published online at Wonder Women.

All questions will be kept anonymous and key details, facts and figures may change to protect your identity. Petra can only answer based on the information you give her and her advice is not a substitute for medical, therapeutic or legal advice.
