Ella Ya Me Olvido - Radio Edit

June 2024 · 3 minute read

Ella Ya Me Olvido
Leeb Lyrics

Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴  Line by Line Meaning ↴Ella, ella ya me olvidó
Yo, yo la recuerdo ahora
Era como la primavera, su anochecido pelo
Su voz dormida, el beso
Y junto al mar la nieve que se metió a su entraña
Y soñamos con hijos, que nos robó la playa
Ella, ella ya me olvidó, yo se
Yo, yo no puedo olvidarla Ella, ella ya me olvidó
Yo, yo la recuerdo ahora
Era como la primavera, su anochecido pelo
Su voz dormida, el beso
Y junto al mar la nieve que se metió a su entraña
Y soñamos con hijos, que nos robó la playa

Ella, ella ya me olvidó, yo se
Yo, yo no puedo olvidarla

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of Leeb's song "Ella Ya Me Olvido" tell the story of a man who is trying to forget his former lover, but finds that he cannot. He remembers her fondly, describing her as being like springtime with her dark hair, soft voice, and tender kisses. The two of them dreamed of having children together, but those dreams were stolen away by the sea. Despite his efforts to move on, the man still holds onto his memories of the relationship, unable to shake off the feelings he had for the woman.

The song is full of contrast and symbolism. Springtime, a season of new beginnings and growth, is used to describe the woman who has become a memory. The sea takes on a dual role, representing both the beauty and passion of the relationship and the destructive force that took away their dreams. The snow that "went into her being" suggests the depth of her emotions and the transformative power of their love.

Overall, "Ella Ya Me Olvido" is a poignant reminder of the lasting impact that love can have on our lives, even after it has ended.

Line by Line Meaning

Ella, ella ya me olvidó
She, she already forgot about me

Yo, yo la recuerdo ahora
I, I remember her now

Era como la primavera, su anochecido pelo
She was like spring, with her dark hair

Su voz dormida, el beso
Her sleepy voice, the kiss

Y junto al mar la nieve que se metió a su entraña
And next to the sea, the snow that entered her gut

Y soñamos con hijos, que nos robó la playa
And we dreamed of children, that the beach stole from us

Ella, ella ya me olvidó, yo se
She, she already forgot about me, I know

Yo, yo no puedo olvidarla
I, I can't forget her

Writer(s): Jaen Lee Miguel Pantoja Bolaños

Contributed by Evelyn O. Suggest a correction in the comments below.

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