Candace Owens sparks controversy with defense of Jonah Hill

June 2024 · 5 minute read

American political commentator Candace Owens sparked controversy online after she defended Jonah Hill following bombshell revelations made by his ex-girlfriend Sarah Brady. On July 8, Brady took to her Instagram stories to share screenshots of her previous chats with Hill where he seemingly "abused" her emotionally while they were together for a year.

In one of the pictures shared by Brady, Jonah Hill laid down a list of things she wouldn't be allowed to do while they were together. The message allegedly sent by the 39-year-old star included things like "surfing with men," "inappropriate friendships with men," "posting photos in a bathing suit," "sharing s*xual pictures," etc. that she was not supposed to do while they were together.

Remarking on this, on July 9, Candace Owens took to her Twitter handle to share her thoughts and defended Hill's "leaked text messages regarding what he wants in a partner."

"But there is plenty wrong with women in society today. Basic respect for your partner is now being labeled as 'misogynistic' from insecure women."

She doubled down on her stance and said that demanding "basic respect" for an individual and their partner "isn’t a tall ask."

"Women say there are no good men. The truth is there are plenty of good men but many women don’t want to rise to the level of being good women."

Twitter reacts to Candace Owens defending Jonah Hill

After Candace Owens' stance on Jonah Hill's leaked text messages went viral, Twitterati was divided. Several users slammed the conservative podcaster for her take on the matter and said that the 21 Jump Street star was not setting boundaries but laying down rules of what he demands from his relationship with Sarah Brady, instead of resolving his "insecurities" with a therapist.

Others hailed Candace Owens for taking Jonah's stand and added that women post their boundaries online all the time but men can't because of misandry.

Screenshot of a Twitter user remarking on Owens' comments on Jonah Hill's leaked comments. (Photo via @RealCandaceO/Twitter)
Screenshot of a Twitter user remarking on Owens' comments on Jonah Hill's leaked comments. (Photo via @RealCandaceO/Twitter)
Screenshot of a Twitter user remarking on Owens' comments on Jonah Hill's leaked comments. (Photo via @RealCandaceO/Twitter)
Screenshot of a Twitter user remarking on Owens' comments on Jonah Hill's leaked comments. (Photo via @RealCandaceO/Twitter)
Screenshot of a Twitter user remarking on Owens' comments on Jonah Hill's leaked comments. (Photo via @RealCandaceO/Twitter)
Screenshot of a Twitter user remarking on Owens' comments on Jonah Hill's leaked comments. (Photo via @RealCandaceO/Twitter)
Screenshot of a Twitter user remarking on Owens' comments on Jonah Hill's leaked comments. (Photo via @RealCandaceO/Twitter)
Screenshot of a Twitter user remarking on Owens' comments on Jonah Hill's leaked comments. (Photo via @RealCandaceO/Twitter)

In a series of pictures and videos, Sarah Brady pointed out how her relationship with The Wolf of Wall Street star went while they were together from 2021 to 2022. In the viral posts, the surfer alleged that Hill was emotionally abusive toward her and only wanted her to talk to the people he approved of.

She also shared screenshots of her interactions with others and urged people to make an "exit plan" if their partners behave in this way.

Screenshot of Sarah Brady's text messages with Hill. (Photo via sarahhbrady/Instagram)
"It’s been a year of healing & growth with the help of loved ones and doctors to get back to living my life without guilt, shame and self-judgment for things as small as surfing in a swimsuit rather than a more conservative wetsuit."

As of writing, Jonah Hill and Candace Owens have not weighed in on the controversies surrounding their remarks.

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