Bundle price, variants, release date, and more

June 2024 ยท 4 minute read

The Ion 2.0 collection will be making its way to Valorant stores within the next few hours. Riot Games has taken the opportunity to release the long-awaited skinline once again, featuring the Vandal.

As Episode 5 Act 3 nears, players are hyped to witness the finale of the Episode with a plethora of changes. Harbor, the fifth Controller Agent making his way to the Agent pool, is one of the additions that has the player base waiting.

As Patch 5.08 will be introducing the brand-new Ion 2.0 set, players might be wondering about the price and other details. This article will include all the necessary information regarding the bundle's release.

How much will the Ion 2.0 bundle cost in Valorant?

As a Premium tier skinline, the Ion 2.0 can cost around 7,100 Valorant Points (VP); players can still purchase other weapons from the bundle separately if desired. It will feature a different set of weapons this time around and fans will be able to wield the Vandal in all its glory.

The Ion collection has always been one of the favourites and Riot Games will be doing the set justice with the second release.

The following are the prices for the weapons included in the Ion 2.0 bundle:

Aforementioned are the prices listed for each of the weapons from the Ion 2.0 collection.

What are the different variants for the Ion 2.0 collection?

Ion 2.0 will feature three unique variants for the skins, which can be accessed via Radianite Points. However, players can only unlock them upon purchasing the weapons first.

The variants for the Ion 2.0 collection are as follows:

Riot Games released a trailer for the bundle that confirmed all the colors. Fans will be happy to have the bundle upgraded with unique variants, as the original Ion featured only one color.

Ion 2.0, will feature the same old finisher as the original collection. This may be a little less exciting for fans as most of the sequel bundles have the advantage of unique finishers.

When is the Ion 2.0 collection releasing?

Patch 5.08 will go live a few hours after the maintenance starts at 2:00 pm PT on October 18. The new Ion 2.0 collection will be available in the in-game store a few hours after the patch becomes online.

The Ion 2.0 caught fans offguard as there were no expectations for the skinline to make its return out of nowhere. That being said, the recent release of Reaver 2.0 has served the community very well considering their love for the collection.

The upcoming patch will also include a ton of changes for the game that fans are looking forward to. With the addition of Harbor, the Controller meta will look quite different.

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