17 Day Diet Plan Confuse Body Plan

June 2024 · 6 minute read

Dr. Mike Moreno’s 17 Day Diet plan, also known as “Confuse body plan” is meant to shed weight prompter, by boosting your metabolism and digestive system.

Cause of Fat Retention

No matter, how healthy and nutritious foods you consume, if the metabolism and assimilation of foods in your body are not at par, the undigested foods will keep depositing inside your body in the form of fat.

Work Mechanism of 17 Day Diet Plan

Not being in favor of popular claims of losing weight gradually, the diet solution focuses on losing weight very swiftly. While doing research on weight loss, Dr. Moreno observed that people who drop weight swiftly are more likely to maintain their lost weight for longer.

The key reason why people find them unable to stick to a diet plan is boredom. They start a plan with enthusiasm for losing extra pounds from their body. In the initial days, they dedicatedly follow the diet plan, but after a certain period of time, the monotonous and tasteless diet plan starts terrifying them and they revert to their old eating habits.

But the beauty of 17-day diet plan is that you will never get tired of your diet because you have numerous options of food items available in your diet. The magnificent plan would neither starve you nor would insist you to refrain from your beloved foods. The diet plan is composed of four cycles of 17 days. And it banks on molding your body by introducing a variety of foods. Unlike other diet solutions that pathetically slacken your metabolism, this diet program will speed up your metabolism.

Four Cycles of 17 Day Diet Plan

Accelerate, activate, achieve, and arrive are the four result oriented cycles of the diet plan. According to their functionality, the cycles have been named very aptly. Let’s understand how these four cycles are going to bring the most sought-after transformation in your body.

Cycle 1 – Accelerate

While embracing low carb diet, lean protein such as egg, fish and chicken, non-starchy fruits and vegetables, less sugary fruits, yogurt, green tea, and little amount of healthy fats such as olive oil for 17 days, you will consume 1200 calories in a day. Starchy, salty, sugary, and unhealthy foods would completely be cut from your diet for 17 days.

By bringing down your blood sugar level, the diet plan will amplify fat burning process in your body. Green tea is highly advocated in all the cycles. Being natural detoxifier, it accelerates the process of fat burning. Your body will lose 10-15 pounds of weight in the cycle 1, which would primarily be due to water loss.

How would water loss benefit You?

Diverse weight loss programs are criticized and considered ineffective due to the popular statement made against them that weight loss taking place in your body is the result of water loss, not fat loss. However, water loss too is remarkably valuable for your body. Reason being, fluid retention by your body is not at all a healthy phenomenon.

The excess of water flowing in your body merges with the blood and starts circulating in your body. When that blood mingles with water and reaches your heart, the effort of your heart increases, for it has to pump that heavy fluid. But 17-day diet plan soaks excess water from your body. You not only feel light from inside but also look superb from outside.

Cycle 2 – Activate

Apart from increasing the quantity of healthy carbs and shrinking the size of fats, you need to feed your body 1500 calories in a day in cycle 2. In this cycle, your body is likely to drop 5 to 6 pounds of weight.

Cycle 2 is the foundation stage responsible for boosting your metabolism. Besides altering your food items almost daily, your calorie intake will also fluctuate considerably in this cycle. This cycle will also correct weight loss plateau which is one of the common problems faced by people abiding by various diet plans.

Cycle 3 – Achieve

While inculcating almost all the food items of cycle 2, you will trim down your protein intake to a very low level in cycle 3. As a reward, there are some special privileges made available to you in cycle 3. You can now include a little bit of alcohol and snacks up to 100 calories in your diet. Cycle 3 is more of a low-calorie balanced diet. Your weight loss will be comparatively dimmer in cycle 3, for you will lose just 2 to 3 pounds of weight.

Cycle 4 – Arrive

It’s assumed that by the time you reach cycle 4, you will already be aware of all the basics of diet plan. After the completion of three cycles, you have an option of continuing with any of the three cycles, for one week. You will get a bonus of two free days on the weekends in which you can eat whatever you want to.

Workouts in 17 Day Diet Plan

17 Day Diet Plan has not put workouts aside. Without getting you engrossed into intense workouts, the diet plan will have you do simple and easy workouts. In the first two cycles, you will do brisk walking for 17 minutes. In the third cycle, you will practice aerobic exercises for 40-60 minutes in a day. And in the fourth cycle, while maintaining the workout regime same, you will practice workouts for one hour on the weekends.

Say Good Bye to Stomach Fats

The stomach is the area where stubborn fat tends to accumulate and it’s very challenging to purge your body from the shackles of stomach fat. It’s vital for you to know that there are two types of fats in your stomach. Visceral fat, which is also known as evil fat covers the internal organs of your body and thus make it susceptible to become a victim of health problems such as increased cholesterol level, high blood pressure, diabetes, and numerous other hazardous diseases such as Alzheimer and cancer.

The other fat also known as subcutaneous abdominal fat gets accumulated beneath the skin of your stomach. 17 Day Diet Plan not only successfully rids you from both the fats but also saves you from becoming a victim of serious ailments.


The diet plan has not been designed to be followed by patients with type 1 diabetes, pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, teenagers, and severely sick people.
